Scheduled Maintenance Notification:
Some service will be under maintenance.
Start Time: 01:00 CST
Completed: 04:00 CST
While under maintenance secondary systems may experience some sluggishness during this time.
Should you have any questions please contact support.
Scheduled Maintenance Notification:
Email Services, Network and hardware upgrades.
Start Time: 01:00 CST
Completed: 04:00 CST
Some email services may be unavailable during this time as systems upgrades are completed.
Should you have any issues please contact support.
Maintenance Notification:
01/15/2018 1:20AM CDT, upgrade of main mail cluster. Expected downtime of 15-20 minutes
This Maintenance will upgrade performance on webmail and add some additional features. If you have questions or would like more information please contact the support team.